Seventeen Magazine Names CMU "2018 Cool School" Editors Cite "Strong Community of Female Coders"

Byron SpiceThursday, February 15, 2018

Seventeen Magazine's editors cited CMU's strong community of female coders as a factor for its "Cool School" status.

Seventeen magazine has named Carnegie Mellon University one of its 2018 "Cool Schools," citing the large number of women enrolled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs.

The editors noted CMU's "strong community of female coders," and mentioned that the School of Computer Science class of 2020 is almost 50 percent female. Women@SCS, the pioneering group that has helped SCS adopt a more inclusive and diverse culture, is recognized for its Big Sister/Little Sister program for undergraduates and its efforts to help women find fellowships and grants.

"Job and internship prospects aren't too shabby either," they noted. "Recent CS students have ended up at Google, Amazon, Facebook, Pinterest, Squarespace and Disney."

The 2018 Cool Schools List is in the March/April issue of Seventeen, on newsstands this week.

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Byron Spice | 412-268-9068 |