Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

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At its foundation, the School of Computer Science is a collective and expansive community, committed to equity and inclusivity. As a global community it is crucial that SCS be welcoming and inclusive in order to achieve excellence in the instruction, research and application of computer science. We work to ensure equal access for students, staff and faculty from diverse backgrounds.

We also recognize that the institutions in our country must be change agents in order to create a more just and equitable world. With our legacy of creating data-driven solutions to solve difficult real-world problems, CMU and SCS stand uniquely positioned to positively affect the trajectory of this transformation.

To that end, SCS has come together to create pledges to support our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts you'll find below. This page also includes links to our latest DEI news, updates and resources for our community.

Email us with your comments, concerns and feedback.

Support DEI in SCS

When you donate to the SCS Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Fund, you help us provide the programming and support our community needs to meet our DEI goals.

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The Latest DEI Update

SCS DEI Update - Dec. 16, 2022

In this update, we talk about the SCS admissions process and its outcomes, revision of the NSF BPC plan for next year, and information about a Girls Who Code event in January. Read More...

SCS DEI Pledges

This is not meant to be a definitive or exhaustive list of our initiatives and activities, but rather a framework for all of SCS to gather, gain insight, reflect and contribute. We look to all SCS academic and operating units for partnership and support to achieve both the pledges we have made, and those we will identify and add. We welcome your input and ideas, and encourage you to email us.

Embed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in all of our goals and efforts.

Increase BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) recruitment and hiring.

Establish stronger connections with minority-serving undergraduate institutions, feeder programs, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).

Publish a diversity statement and plan for implementing it within hiring committees.

Create onboarding and mentorship materials for all SCS stakeholders, outlining our commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Create sources of advocacy and mentorship within each of SCS units.

Collect data to benchmark our progress.

Build ties to and increase connections within our own faculty, student orgs and staff members that foster inclusion and retention.

Communicate our DEI progress across SCS, including promoting upcoming events and opportunities for collaboration, as well as sharing ideas for replicating program successes across divisions.