Center for Machine Learning and Health

Fellowships in Digital Health

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2022 CMLH Fellowship Application: NOW OPEN!

Review the information and application requirements on this page carefully before submitting.

We invite applications for the Center for Machine Learning and Health (CMLH) Fellowships in Digital Health. Each fellowship provides full support for one year for a graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University who is pursuing cutting-edge research that advances digital health, broadly defined.

For answers to common questions, check the fellowship Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. For any remaining questions, contact You can also learn more about our current fellows, as well as the fellows from 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2017.

Who Is Eligible?

  • Full-time Ph.D. students at Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Students with a primary research project related to digital health. We welcome applications that involve diverse approaches and disciplines that apply to healthcare, including machine learning, computer science, robotics, language technology, computational biology, electrical and computer engineering, economics, psychology, sociology, public policy, business administration, law, human-computer interaction, and statistics.
  • Students must be enrolled in the Ph.D. program for a full academic year for the duration of the fellowship.
  • We welcome projects at any stages, both initial and mature. 

What You Get

  • One year of tuition and stipend support (including summer stipend).
  • $3,000 in funding to support the underlying research, including conference travel for paper presentation, equipment and human-subject experiments. 


  • Must be a full-time student working on a project related to digital health at CMU for the duration of the fellowship.
  • Submit a progress report to the CMLH after six and 12 months of funding.
  • Present the research at a CMLH seminar series during or following the term of the fellowship. Invited guests for the presentations may include CMU faculty, staff and students; CMLH staff; and UPMCE staff and leadership members.
  • Provide your CV, project summary and presentation slides to the CMLH and allow the center to share these materials with our sponsor, UPMCE.
  • Attend various CMLH seminars and social/virtual events.
  • Provide your photo, project title and project summary for the CMLH 2022 fellows website.
  • Allow the CMLH to share your project summary with UPMCE and other potential CMLH sponsors.
  • Project summaries and presentation slides should not include proprietary information.
  • Acknowledge the CMLH in any of your publications related to the CMLH-funded work and send the CMLH any of the papers that result.
  • Abide by and uphold the community standards of the university.
  • Follow university IP and research policies.

To Apply, Please Submit

  1. A three-page research proposal that describes the work to be carried out during the fellowship. There are no format requirements and no template. The three-page limit does not include references. Citations in a bibliography are preferred. This proposal should answer the following questions about digital healthcare:
    • Which problem will be addressed?
    • What main research questions drive the work?
    • What new technique, idea, approach or method is proposed to solve the stated problem?
    • How will success be expected and determined?
    • What are the timeline and expected outcomes to be completed within the one year of the fellowship?
    • What resources are needed, if any — namely in terms of data, collaborators and computing — to complete the proposed plan?
  2. A current CV for the student.
  3. Two letters of recommendation from researchers who know the student (e.g., the research advisor and another faculty member). Ideally, these letters should address both the merit of the proposed research, and the student's qualifications. Ideally, the CMLH prefers no more than one letter of support per advisor.  

The research proposal will be reviewed according to its innovation, feasibility and the overall quality of the project as measured by its contribution to fundamental research and potential broader impacts in digital healthcare. The evaluation committee will comprise faculty from CMLH and across CMU working in digital health and related areas from a broad spectrum of perspectives.

We expect to award several fellowships under this call.

How To Submit

  • Save your CV and research proposal as one PDF file. Only PDFs will be accepted.
  • References should email their recommendation letters directly to, with the name of the student in the subject line. The letter must be a PDF.
  • Your application will not be considered complete until we receive both letters of recommendation. We cannot review your application until these letters have been received by our center.
  • Submit your application using our application form.

Important Dates

Applications Due

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Funding Decisions Expected

Friday, May 6, 2022

Funding To Start

Beginning of summer or fall of 2022.