Funds SCS Outreach Fund

In SCS, we’re working hard to bridge the gap in computer science education in U.S. high schools, introducing students from all socioeconomic backgrounds to computer science well before they get to college. When you support our SCS Outreach Initiatives, you help us give students, teachers and community organizations more access to the computer science resources they need to provide students of all backgrounds with the CS education they - and we - need for a better future. 

Gifts to the SCS Outreach Fund supports initiatives such as:

  • Creation of an middle school bridge program to catch students up on the math skills they’ll need before their first semester of high school.
  • Our AI4All summer program that gives rising high school juniors & seniors the chance to study artificial intelligence with CMU faculty, staff and researchers who are leaders in the field.
  • CMU’s hosting of All Star Code Pittsburgh, a nonprofit organization that equips young men of color with the tools they need to succeed in technology and become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs.
  • CS Academy, a free, online, interactive high school computer science curriculum.

To learn more, visit our Outreach Program page

Keywords: Outreach & Diversity

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