Funds Research Experience for Undergraduates

The Research Experience for Undergraduates Fund was established to provide resources and funding for summer educational programs across the School of Computer Science. Our summer research programs allow SCS to expand the reach of our world-class faculty beyond our own undergraduate population, and give underrepresented students the opportunity to explore a research career.

Many of our participants are underresourced, underrepresented in computer science or lack a robust research program at their own college. Our summer research opportunities give them the chance to conduct cutting-edge research on meaningful projects; build knowledge, skills and a network of peers and advisors; and even potentially publish their work! 

Summer research programs at SCS include Research Experience for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE), the Summer Research Program in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute, the Language Technologies Institute Summer Internship Program and the Robotics Institute Summer Scholars.

The fund will be used primarily for scholarship support and for student transportation, room and board, and other student expenses.

Keywords: Faculty & Student Support, Outreach & Diversity, Program Support

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