Funds Graduate Education Fellowship Fund

At SCS, we're dedicated to creating and sustaining a vibrant, diverse community of students. We know how important it is that all members of the SCS community reflect the world around them as they conduct critical research and develop tomorrow's technologies.

A master's degree may only take a year or two, but it can change a life — propelling the recipient into a better job or expanding their professional network. Yet we have little, if any, financial aid for these programs.

That's why we established the Graduate Education Fellowship Fund. Broadly, this fund will support graduate students underrepresented at the university, including (but not limited to) students from rural areas, those who are the first in their families to attend college, graduates from historically black colleges, and Graduate Degrees for Minorities (GEM) fellows.

Your contribution to the Graduate Education Fellowship Fund gives SCS the flexibility to recruit and support the talented students who might otherwise miss out on the life-changing opportunity that is an SCS education.

Keywords: Faculty & Student Support, Fellowships, Outreach & Diversity

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