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SCS DEI Update #14

Apr. 30, 2021

The days since Derek Chauvin was convicted for murdering George Floyd have given us time to reflect. The journey toward the world we envision is just that: a journey, fraught with obstacles new and old, defeats and victories, sadness and joy. If you find you need help dealing with your feelings during this time, the office of the Associate Vice Provost for DEI has collected resources for your benefit. Please, make use of them.

In order to take the necessary steps as we journey forward, we encourage getting involved in the resources collected here. Additionally, your thoughts and suggestions for DEI programs and events can have a tremendous impact in shaping a more diverse and equitable SCS community. Please share them with a DEI committee member from your department or email SCS-DEI@cs.cmu.edu.

Appointment Announcements

SCS and CMU have announced key leadership positions in recent weeks.

Wanda Heading-Grant, Vice Provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer
After a comprehensive national search, Wanda Heading-Grant was selected as Carnegie Mellon’s inaugural vice provost for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and chief diversity officer. Throughout Heading-Grant's 30-year career in higher education, she has established programs, policies and practices fundamental to the advancement of inclusive excellence and diversity, equity and inclusion. Welcome!

Illah Nourbakhsh, Inaugural Executive Director, Center for Shared Prosperity
The Heinz Endowments has committed $30 million to support the new Center for Shared Prosperity’s work, which is the largest grant in its history. The grant will fund the creation and operation of the center. Building on the CREATE Lab’s data-driven, collaborative model, the center’s real-world projects will be designed and implemented with community partners to move the needle on complex issues. A portion of the grant will be used to establish an endowment to support the center’s work in perpetuity.

Upcoming Events / Deadlines

NSF Funding Opportunities With Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC)
We strongly encourage interested people to contact both your cognizant NSF program director(s) and the BPC team at cise-bpc@nsf.gov by Monday, May 17. Supplement requests should be submitted by the BPC deadline of Monday, June 14.

In Case You Missed It

SCS Selected for Diversity Grant From Northeastern University
Northeastern University’s Center for Inclusive Computing has partnered with SCS to help recruit and retain more women in computer science and boost the representation of women in the field as a whole. SCS will leverage funding from the center to work with Northeastern’s Center for Inclusive Computing to implement evidence-based strategies to address the gender gap.

Promoting Justice and Equity in Computer Science
SCS hosted its third installment in the Seminar Series on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Computer Science on Thursday, April 29. The panel of SCS Ph.D. students illustrated a few of the DEI activities they are involved with. Speakers included Judeth Oden Choi (moderator), Erica Principe Cruz, Priya Donti, Bailey Flanigan and Joshua Williams. Miss the event? View a replay of the Panopto simulcast.

Support / Groups

Tartan Allies Spring 2021
The Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion is hosting virtual Tartan Allies sessions this spring. One upcoming session 2 remains. (You must register for a session 1 first):
Session Two – Wednesday, May 26, 1-3 p.m. EDT 

Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion: Report-It Online Anonymous Reporting Platform
All reports will be documented and discussed to determine if there should be any follow-up actions. Regardless of incident type, the university will use all shared experiences to transform our campus climate to be more equitable and just. Send questions to csdi@andrew.cmu.edu or call 412-268-2150. Reportit.net username: tartans; password: plaid

Recruiting Conferences

The SHPE Technical Achievement and Recognition (STAR) Awards recognize the people in STEM who are changing lives through their community outreach, work and research. We encourage you to nominate those you feel represent the best in STEM and embody the SHPE vision. Winners will be announced in the fall and celebrated in November during the 2021 SHPE National Convention in Orlando. Completed nominations are due Thursday, July 15.