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SCS DEI Update

Mar. 4, 2022

Around SCS

We would like to remind everyone in the School of Computer Science that our collective mission is to cultivate a culture of inclusivity, equity and belonging. In SCS, we embrace diversity as a core value, and we demonstrate it in our campus culture. While we value a collaborative environment that is open to the free exchange of ideas, we expect stakeholders to do so in respectful ways.

Today, some graffiti was discovered on the door of the SCS Reading Room in Gates that espoused antiwomen rhetoric and attempted to restrict entry of some parties to a common shared space. SCS will not tolerate and does not condone this type of behavior, and will take action to seek the origin and stop the perpetuation of this and any form of hate rhetoric.

To help, here are some resources:

Everyone in SCS has a responsibility to call out inappropriate behavior when we see it, and to work as a community to mitigate any action that is offensive or discriminative. Going forward, I and other leaders in SCS pledge to investigate this incident and any other hate or discrimination incidents in our community.

SCS Has a New Verified Departmental BPC Plan!

SCS has a verified Departmental Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) plan for 2022, which can be accessed on BPCNet. These plans are part of NSF CISE proposal submissions. Faculty and business administrators can download the latest materials from Box.

Verified Departmental BPC plans are used in coordination with Project BPC plans and standalone BPC plans. When writing your plans, you need to include this text: “This [Project/Standalone] BPC Plan is based on the Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Departmental BPC Plan verified by BPCnet.org. The Departmental BPC Plan can be accessed on BPCNet.”

Additional information from BPCnet.org on the plans can be found on the BPCNet Resource Portal.


SCS for Accessibility (SCS4A11y) rescheduled their accessibility audit meeting to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, in GHC. We want to form a working group to help the SCS community with accessibility audits. Are you wondering if your course page, website, blog, academic paper or other communications are accessible to all? Are you looking to elevate your CV and personal website ahead of career fair and job search season? We can also assist with your job search materials. If you are interested in helping with the audits or learning more, consider attending. For questions, contact Fern.

The Data Science for the Public Good program at Virginia Tech seeks applicants for its 2022 summer internship program. The program is part of the broader Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) initiative offered by Virginia Tech's Agricultural and Applied Economics Department. It is a member and collaborator in the DSPG network led by the University of Virginia's Biocomplexity Institute's Social and Decision Analytics division. The program allows young scholars to conduct research at the intersection of statistics, computation and the social sciences to determine how information can be leveraged to inform public policy. Learn more about the DSPG 2022 Summer Internship Program on the Virginia Tech Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics website.

The Station1 Frontiers Fellowship (SFF) — a prestigious, fully funded, 10-week summer experience for undergraduate students focused on socially directed science and technology education, research, and innovation — is open for applications. A unique internationally recognized model of higher education, the SFF includes an exciting research internship in emerging areas of science and technology with leading established and startup partner companies, research institutes, and nonprofit organizations, a cross-interdisciplinary shared curriculum, and personal and professional advancement activities including inclusive leadership and collaboration, scientific and technical communication, networking, and more. Learn more and apply on the fellowship's website.

Thank you,
The SCS DEI Team